
Squad Number:
Date of birth:
04/03/1981 ( Age: 43)
193 cm
85 kg
Clubs stats
* A (Appearances) | G (Goals) | A (Assists) | Y/YR/R (Yellow card/Yellowred card/Red card) | MP (Minutes played)
Season League Team A G Assists Y/YR/R MP
2013/2014 Super League 9 2 0 0/0/0 0
2013/2014 Greek Cup 2 0 0 0/0/0 44
2012/2013 TFF First League 10 3 0 3/0/0 570
2012/2013 Primera Liga 10 2 0 2/0/0 217
2011/2012 Süper Lig 11 0 0 0/0/0 315
2010/2011 Süper Lig 28 5 0 4/0/0 1306
2010/2011 Turkish Cup 3 0 0 0/0/0 0
2009/2010 Süper Lig 29 21 0 11/0/0 2512
2008/2009 Premier League 6 0 1 1/0/0 292
2007/2008 Primera Liga 1 7 0 0/0/0 90
2006/2007 La Liga 12 1 0 0/0/1 555
Total: 121 41 1 21/0/1 5901
National team stats
* A (Appearances) | G (Goals) | A (Assists) | Y/YR/R (Yellow card/Yellowred card/Red card) | MP (Minutes played)
Season League Team A G Assists Y/YR/R MP
2008 Friendly International 1 0 0 0/0/0 57
2008 Euro Qualification 3 1 0 1/0/0 62
Total: 4 1 0 1/0/0 119
Makukula Career
From To Date Amount
01/09/2013 N/a
16/01/2013 Free